Dreams of adventure, in photo story form
Of course, cramming those things in when you also need to eat, sleep, earn a living and all those other little things can be tricky. Actually, finding time the time for those things at all can completely fall by the wayside, if you let life start spinning past you.
That’s why, today, I’m posting a photo story of some of the interesting, adventurous, fun and frivolous things I’d love to add to my life to make it sparkle…

Learn photography. Whether that means taking a weekend class, an online course, or devouring a bunch of books from the library. And putting it into practice! Start snapping!

Dedicate time to writing. Journaling, blogging, and finally starting that novel or book. Writing is a huge part of who I am, and I need to really start embracing it.

Read more. I say I’m going to do this every year, but I pretty much always let it slip, aside from the odd fits and bursts. No-one ever became an amazing writer without reading a bunch of amazing books.

Create a nest to-die-for. Seriously, your space has such an impact on your life - so I’m psyched to create a space that really nurtures my spirit and brings me joy. This might even involve exploring that interior design course I’ve always thought about taking…

Get in touch with my inner French-girl. I’ve always wanted to confirm rumours that my grandfather’s ancestry has French roots, so maybe a little research is in order. I’d also love to learn the language. And embrace a more ‘French’ approach to life and confidence. They’re so… how do you say… chic.

Roller Derby, baby! I’m not going to lie. Although the idea of roller derby is amazing and exciting to me - the thought of actually going out there and doing it scares the bejesus out of me. Which is probably the perfect reason to actually do it.

Take a dance class. I think what attracts me to hip hop is the sense of fun and confidence you’d get from mastering (or at least trying) them. Until then I shall stick to Zumba!

Learn guitar. I’ve always loved music (I was totally a trumpet bandgeek at high school), and what could possibly be more rockstar than playing amazing riffs on a hot pink guitar? Step one… find out what a riff is…

Create. That’s right. I love it, and I keep meaning to make time for it, but sometimes the simple act of creating something just for the fun of it doesn’t make the top of my priority list. That’s about to change though, whether it’s in the form of writing, painting, baking, or styling. Creativity begets more creativity. It’s as simple as that.

Inject a little more rockabilly into my personal style. I adore rockabilly style, but never feel brave enough to rock it. Maybe if I start with some cute cardigans, a little leopard-print here, a dangerously high heel there…

Take a cooking class. Think Liberty Lakes Hottest Home Baker meets Julia Child. I could even cook my way through a recipe book, like that film, Julie & Julia. Fun!

Travel. Road trips and plane trips and train rides, oh my! I want to start seeing the world, as well as my own backyard, and there’s no time like to present to start turning those dreams and what-ifs into realities and making that happen. Oh, and I want to look uber-fabulous while I’m doing it too…

Be beautifully tattooed.
So there you have it! All my dreams and desires for a more interesting and adventurous and amazingly fabulous life, in photo-story form. I’ll be keeping you up to date on how things progress. First things first though - looks like I have a little research to undertake this week!
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